Talks & training

I have been asked to speak at events across the globe to share insights on building delightful and innovative products.

I also regularly run training and intelligence sessions for funds, investors and consultancy firms.

I now act as an advisor & mentor to organisations around the world on product, design, and leadership.

Get in touch

TEDx 2017

TEDx, Glasgow

Bringing simplicity to complexity: How to design at scale.

Design Museum 2017

Design Museum, London

Communicating in a post-verbal world.

Google Design Minutes

Google Design Minutes

Maps - Putting the User Front and Center.

Liberated Leadership

The Gameplan Consultancy

Liberated Leadership interview.

Google I/O 2014

Google I/O, San Francisco

Redesigning Google Maps.

Spatial Computing & the Metaverse primer

FTI Consulting, Dubai

Spatial Computing & the Metaverse.

GigaOm Roadmap 2013

GigaOm Roadmap, San Francisco

Reinventing Maps for a Data-Rich Web.

UX Istanbul 2016

UX Istanbul, Turkey

Designing Facebook Riff.

Industry 2016

Industry, Newcastle

Product lessons from Facebook Creative Labs.

Google I/O keynote 2013

Google I/O keynote, San Francisco

Keynote headline: The new Google Maps.

NPR: The Kojo Nmamdi Show

NPR radio, Washington D.C.

The Next Generation of Online Maps.

Social Travel Summit 2016

Social Travel Summit, Scotland

The Future of Search.

World Usability Day 2015

World Usability Day, Cyprus

The psychological aspects of usability.

Google I/O 2013

Google I/O, San Francisco

Design talk: Behind the Scenes of Google Maps.

Google I/O 2012

Google I/O, San Francisco

Design talk: A Masterclass in Map Styling.